Sunday, November 4, 2007

You've got to be kidding....

So I thought I had a new favorite product. But, it only made my "favorites list" for one day. I tried the Neutrogena anti-wrinkle/anti-blemish cream, hoping that maybe I could be proactive and clear up my face all at once. However, it made it WORSE!!!! Not only am I actually noticing smile lines now, I also am having MAJOR breakouts!!! Not so cute! So, I sit here with a mask on my face, hoping to get rid of the mountains on my face! I'm hoping that this is just one of those "it gets worse before it gets better" creams, or it's a complete waste of money! Meanwhile, I'm on the search for a cheap ($10 or less) anti-blemish cream type thing. We shall see! Maybe that's my problem...I'm a cheap-skate!!


Mandy said...

I have had a lot of experience with breakouts in my life and I would suggest going to the dermatologist if it really worries you. That's the only way my skin got clear and that was after years of buying products that I hoped would work. Do you use a toner? I just started using toner at night and it has really cleared my skin up.