Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Waiting Game

We had a successful home study tonight! It was easier than I expected, so that's good! Now we just have to wait to get our fingerprints back and then we're ready to go. So, please pray that those go through quickly and do not get rejected! We just have to be patient now (easier said than done)!

Thanks for all of the offers for us to borrow baby goods! I will definitely keep you all in mind if/when the need arises! Thanks so much!! Thank you also for all of the kind comments!

Having the home study got me inspired to do some "spring cleaning". I never did any of that this spring, so I spent all day deep-cleaning my house, organizing closets, finishing projects, etc. I feel so much better now!



Holly said...

Aubrey, will you send me an e-mail? I have a few questions for you that warrant e-mail. Thanks!