I could have posted a ton more of M with the fam, but had to choose those lovely side-shots of M:)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
M's 1st B-day Sneak Peek!
Here are just a few pics from M's big day today! Her Polka Dot Pool Party was a blast! I will share more pics later, but I'm just too tired at the moment to weed through all of them. We had a GREAT day today!! Thank you to all of our family for making M's day so much fun and so special!!! She loved every bit of it and enjoyed loving on everyone!! Yay for new toys, clothes, shoes, books, DVDs, carseat, etc.....THANK YOU!!!!!
Posted by Aubrey at 11:41 PM 3 comments
My baby is one!
The day we got M, 3 1/2 weeks old, September 17, 2008
11 1/2 months old, August 9, 2009 (portrait by Holly Austin)
I am in shock that my little 18 pound baby is already one! I am so excited to see how much she has grown and changed. I love her so much and as cliche as this sounds, can't imagine my life without her! She has gone from a little 3 1/2 week itty bitty baby who would wake up in the night, sleep all nestled up and stay wherever you put her to a crawling, pulling-up, sleeping through the night, little girl. We have been incredibly blessed to have her in our lives. I can't believe that God matched us so perfectly with such a sweet, beautiful and special little baby girl. I have shed several tears the past few days realizing that my little M is quickly becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler. I can't believe how fast this phase of our lives has passed and I guess it has hit me even more that I'll never get that time with her back. We truly enjoyed that time with her and savored it, but it still went too fast. I am super excited, though, to see her grow!
At the age of one (tear) this is what M is doing:
-pushing toys (while walking)
-saying: God, thank you God (points to the ceiling while saying it), yeah, yay, yes, thank you, Momma, Dadda, Ya Ya, Nan Nan, duck, mmmuh (kisses), mmmmm (when food is good), several other words I can't think of at the moment!
-she loves to shake her head yes/no and cracks us up by doing so every time we ask her a question
-understands lots of words/phrases: no, turn off the light, where's your baby (gives the baby hugs and kisses every time she sees it), milk, eat, bath, book, toys, play, drink, yogurt, night-night, paci, etc. We are starting to spell lots of things around here!
-loves to clap and dance (anytime she hears music or a beat)
-could live off of black beans, yogurt and Mum Mums (but we don't let her:))
-hasn't had to go to the doctor (for illness) this whole year...YAY!!
-loves Bible Class and Sonshine School
-loves other children and babies
-loves to give hugs and kisses
-loves to be rocked
-loves watching the fish at the zoo
-loves books (one of her favorite "toys")
-gets SO excited when Josh comes home from work...immediately crawls up into his lap and gives him a kiss (unprompted)
We love you, M, Happy 1st Birthday!! We are SOOO thankful God placed you with us! We have loved watching you grow this year! You are an amazing and beautiful little baby girl!! You'll always be my BABY GIRL!!!
Posted by Aubrey at 8:57 AM 4 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Long Hair
I've heard several comments lately that M's hair is getting so thick or so long. Well, you ain't seen nothin' yet!!Can you believe that? Crazy long when it's wet!! Gotta love the curls!
Posted by Aubrey at 11:37 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Past Several Days Randomness
I'm really starting to have to get creative with blog-appropriate photos!
Fun at the spray park with baby B.
Her new favorite stance.
We have had a wonderful past week!!
Over the weekend we went to Wichita Falls to visit Josh's family. We drove down to Fort Worth on Saturday, since my MIL bought tickets for us (me and her) to see Legally Blonde at Bass Hall! It was a fun and very engaging show!! THANKS, Pam! We also got to see Josh's grandmother on our way back to Wichita Falls and see all of her fun house updates she's been working on!
M had an appointment yesterday and she weighs 18lbs 1oz and is 28" long. Looks like she will be rear-facing for quite a while more! She turns ONE a week from Saturday (the 22nd)!! I REALLY can't believe my baby is growing up so quickly! She is so much fun! She's got quite the quirky personality and I just love it! She started cruising on Monday and has really been on the move! I've been working on her polka dot pool party and getting her dress made, etc.. We're having our families up to celebrate next Saturday! Her adoption is taking longer than expected. We haven't been given an update with any potential timeline, but it is looking like late September or sometime in October. It's taking a while, but the good thing is that we have her and that's all that we really care about! However, we are looking forward to having everything finalized and having a huge Gotcha Day party in the near future!!
Yesterday me and M went and saw Viv and Vi. They are just too cute!! Mandy gave me tons of 12-18 month clothes for M to borrow...THANKS!! I've been sorting through them today! After seeing the girls, my mom took me for a deluxe pedicure! It was THE best pedicure I've ever had (not that I've had very many, but still it really was the best!!)!! THANKS, Mom!! Then, we went and had a fun lunch!
Today we had a playdate at the spray park and stayed for just a bit. M seemed to enjoy herself!!
I am excited to be writing over at an adoption blog twice a month on foster/adopt types of things! I'm thrilled to have an outlet for all my detailed, nitty-gritty, TMI foster/adoption info! For those who wish to follow, I will be posting the links soon!
Posted by Aubrey at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Photo Shoot
Last night we were able to enjoy our photo shoot gift from Holly (and her precious daughter, K), of Portratins by Holly Austin! She did such a great job! M wasn't super cooperative, but she was still able to get some great shots! As always, I'm only posting the back and side views of M. There are so many great shots of M that I really wish I could post!! Thanks, Holly, for the great work and gift!!
Posted by Aubrey at 11:47 AM 12 comments