I've been tagged by Jessica, Liz and Kara.
The Rules: Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog. or Share the 5 top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list. or Share 5 things you never pictured being in your future when your were 25 years old. Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. The tagees have a choice of which they want to do.5 random and/or weird facts about me:
1. I have to sleep with a mouthguard every night, because I started grinding my teeth when I taught first grade....too much stress and frustration!
2. I can't go to sleep at night without Josh rubbing my hair. He's too kind!
3. While we're on the subject of sleep, I also can't fall asleep without rubbing my feet together.
4. I have to sleep in socks, even if I'm burning up.
5. Josh makes fun of me for all of these strange habits!
Here's to a good night of sleep!
I tag Jenny, Laura, Rachel, Aimee, and Onawa!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Weird Facts!
Posted by Aubrey at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Weekend in Review
We had a really good weekend! We got to hang out with friends and family and had a great time! Friday night we had breakfast for dinner (chipper chicken will have to be tomorrow night...I was WAY too tired!), went to the gym and came home and watched The Unit. We've been renting the discs and we're really liking it!
Yesterday we cleaned house, I baked those yummy chocolate chip cookies and worked on a few orders. Last night we went to a hibatchi steakhouse with my family for my sister-in-law's birthday! We had a great time! After dinner everyone came to our house for cake (no, I didn't bake it!) and got to hang out with the fam some more!
Today we went to Red Pin Bowling in Bricktown for more b-day celebrating! It was a really cool and upscale place! I am HORRIBLE at bowling!!! It's sad when a 31/2 year old beats you at bowling! No joke! There were 11 of us and I came in dead last with like a 3o or something!
Tonight we had dinner at Panera w/ our small group friends and then drove across the parking lot for ice cream at Baskin Robbins. It was nice to hang out with friends and eat great food!
It was a very enjoyable weekend! Everything on my to-do list has officially been marked off!!! That rarely happens!
Be sure to check out my Blessings and Bows blog weekly. I have a great designer featured this week! Her work has been featured in Martha Stewart, Country Living and more! I am featuring a new artist, crafter, designer, etc. weekly! Each of these artists have used ribbon and/or bows in creative ways!
Posted by Aubrey at 9:50 PM 5 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Posted by Aubrey at 6:23 PM 4 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Corn Chowder
Posted by Aubrey at 6:35 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tuesday Night's Dinner
Posted by Aubrey at 9:25 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday Night Meal
I made DD chicken nuggets last week and breaded a chicken breast and cooked it at the same time so I could use it tonight for a mock-chicken parmesan dish.
I chopped up the pre-cooked chicken, put it in a skillet that I sprayed with cooking spray. I covered it and let it cook over medium heat, while boiling multi-grain rotini pasta. After about 5 or 6 minutes, I added a partially drained can of diced tomatoes, a few tablespoons of parmesan cheese, italian seasoning, minced garlic, pepper and kosher salt to the chicken. I heated it, covered, until the pasta was done. After draining the pasta, I topped it with the chicken and tomatoes and topped that with mozerella cheese. I added a side salad and finished off the meal w/ ice cream and chocolate syrup!
Josh liked it and there's enough leftover for his lunch tomorrow. It was an easy 10 minute meal!
I've had a strange craving for meatloaf, so that is what I'll be making tomorrow night, along with mashed potatoes!
**Check out my Blessings and Bows blog for a special discount and to take a look at my newest additions.
Posted by Aubrey at 5:42 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Here is my newly organized closet! It's not "cute", but I can actually find things now and everything has a spot! I didn't buy matching hangers or clear shoe boxes...I am totally fine with store and dry cleaning hangers:) I'm just glad to be able to find my clothes! I actually found lots of clothes buried that I didn't remember having! I need to think of my next project!
My new labeling: Before:
-Soft Chicken Tacos (made with chicken steamed in a Ziploc Steam Bag with EVOO and seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and cumin, served on whole wheat tortillas w/ cheese, romaine and salsa)
Posted by Aubrey at 12:51 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I'd rather stick with the fat version!
I almost forgot to post about the worst drink I've ever had........
the new Skinny Latte from Starbucks!
It is absolutely AWFUL!!! I'm sad to say that Josh brought us each one home to try last week and after we both took a sip or two, we both decided it was not drinkable. I hate to admit that we threw away about $7 worth of coffee. I'll stick to my full-fat mochas.....peppermint or raspberry, if I decide to deviate!
This WILL NOT make my list of favorite things!
Posted by Aubrey at 10:30 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
My Saturday in pictures....
This is what I did (with Kara!):
Posted by Aubrey at 7:46 PM 5 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dinner from an organized kitchen! (from FRIDAY NIGHT!)
Posted by Aubrey at 6:19 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Back with some random thoughts!
Serving punch with Ashley, a great friend from college:
Kara (roommate and Maid of Honor in my wedding) w/ her baby, Maida:
Me, Josh, Kara, Kristina and Ashley, December 2001 (aka...the week before Josh and I started dating). My, how we've all changed!:
Precious baby Viv:
My family Christmas was really fun! My big brother, Joe, surprised us and drove in from California to celebrate with us! We got lots of fun presents-I got a cute new coat and much more!!! Vivian made Christmas extra fun this year!! Of course, I indulged in my mom's BEST fudge, too!!!
We drove to TX to spend a few days with Josh's family to celebrate. I got a new sewing machine and supplies, which I'm very excited about!! I'm looking forward to making some things soon! Maybe pillows and curtains?!? We got lots of fun gifts there, too! Josh was excited to get a new mandolin and we all enjoyed his brother's new gift of a Wii. I enjoyed a few rounds of bowling!! We were able to drive down to Josh's aunt's house and celebrate his grandmother's 70th birthday with the whole family!
I have been cooking lots of meals from my Deceptively Delicious cookbook. I would pretty much recommend everything but the Tofu Nuggets....YUCK!!! We had to throw them out! I hated wasting them, but they were awful! I thought I could trick myself into eating tofu, but it DID NOT work! It tasted like extremely nasty battered eggs. I made the Chicken Nuggets this week and Josh LOVED those! He made a chicken sandwich with the leftovers on a wheat bun with pickles and mayo.
I have been working on New Year's resolutions, one including getting to bed early! So, now I'm getting ready for bed at 10:00 and then getting in bed by 11:00. I've done okay with that so far, for the most part!
Here's my current list of favorite things:
-Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk: I'm usually a chocolate syrup kind of gal, but this is SO good! It has vanilla, real chocolate and creamy milk! I strongly recommend it!
-My Scumbuster: No more scrubbing and reaching!
-Brown Sugar and Fig Wallflower from Bath and Body Works
-Etsy.com: fun handmade finds for all of your gifting needs!
-Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries w/ frozen fat-free Cool Whip...the BEST!!!
-My new coffee maker!
I'm sure I'll think of more later.....
I will TRY to post more often in the next few weeks!
Posted by Aubrey at 6:08 PM 7 comments